Resource Center/Article12/17/2020

With Peak Season Nearly in Rearview Mirror, Carriers Prepare to Prioritize COVID-19 Vaccine

Carriers & shippers continue to navigate pandemic-driven landscape, while making way for COVID-19 vaccine and starting to review Peak Season.

So far (November 1 through Cyber Week), this year’s Peak Season is on track to hit record spend, particularly with E-Commerce sales amassing $106.5B. Trends: fast shipping (Same Day/One Day) made lower priority in purchase decision, BOPIS/Curbside Pickup on the rise, high returns anticipated. Holiday consumers spent big, and they spent early. Each of November’s four big holiday shopping days (Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, & Cyber Monday) saw YOY sales growth; however, a large portion appears to have taken place before the holiday shopping weekend, and perhaps even before November. Consumers prioritized price and promotions/discounts over fast shipping, and pandemic safety concerns were at the forefront of their minds when deciding whether not to enter stores. Unfortunately, an unforgettable Peak Season with record sales will undoubtedly be followed by unforgettable record returns. Don’t miss our 2020 Peak Season (review thus far): E-Commerce Consumer Spending Insights.
Carriers prepare for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. FedEx and UPS express confidence in their ability to deliver a global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021. Each carrier has certainly been plagued with capacity challenges and concerns throughout the pandemic and this year’s Peak Season, so it’s no surprise many seem curious not only about how such a global logistics plan will be implemented, but also how its prioritization might affect others in the transportation industry. However, both carriers remain firm in their commitment and prioritization of vaccine distribution, as well as to their customers, while reminding us of the many process and network optimization efforts completed in under a year.
FedEx continues its pursuit of E-Commerce amidst longstanding Amazon rivalry, while also addressing preparedness for COVID-19 vaccination distribution.
After reports the carrier stopped package pickup for many large shippers during Thanksgiving’s shopping weekend, UPS released a statement addressing its continued commitment to customers, optimization accomplishments driven by Peak Season and the pandemic, and preparedness to deliver COVID-19 vaccines.
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