Resource Center/Article • 08/05/2022
How to Gain Leadership Buy-In and Move the Network Needle
Today, it’s more important than ever that shipper operations/logistics teams gain buy-in from their internal leadership teams.
What can we learn from the two Key Challenges for Green Mountain Benchmark survey respondents (“volatility of inventory supply” and “internal challenges”)? Shipper operations/logistics teams have an increased desire to gain buy-in from their internal leadership teams. Why? The pandemic threw the traditional network playbook out the window, and it feels more and more like a crystal ball is needed at the budget planning table.
Securing leadership buy-in could be the difference between gaining a critical new distribution center, adding a much-needed regional/alternative carrier, or simply not feeling like your job is on the line when you’re attempting to explain the cost mitigation results (vs. savings) from your last carrier negotiation.
In short, that trust gives your team the flexibility to implement and test new network strategies and avoid feeling like a failure when plans go awry. But gaining that trust can often be a hard-won battle. So what can shippers like you do to succeed?
- Have a plan. Though it sounds simple, what we really mean is – seek to understand what matters most to your leaders, and tie those matters to the strategic goals of your network. Paint a clear picture of how their goals and fears are fed directly by your network.
- Cut the noise with data. This is particularly important when it comes to wider industry trends or the global economy. Explaining the weight of fuel increases for your approved budget is a challenge, and you’ll need the most accurate data insights to sharpen your point.
- Follow through with reporting. This step blends the two above, and it really boils down to continuously assessing what’s working, what’s not working, and getting to the root of why. This reporting step leads to actionable outcomes, showcasing you have a path forward when it’s most needed.
Compiled, these three steps give your leadership team confidence that you know how to steer safely into success.
For even greater insights into the 2022 parcel and LTL industry landscape, download the full Green Mountain Benchmark Report.
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